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dc.contributor.author Karataş, Özgür
dc.contributor.author Açak, Mahmut
dc.date.accessioned 2021-11-26T11:11:46Z
dc.date.available 2021-11-26T11:11:46Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.uri https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/makale/TWpjMU1UUXhNUT09/malatya-da-spor-merkezlerine-devam-eden-bireylerin-spordan-ve-spor-merkezlerinden-beklentilerinin-karsilanma-duzeylerinin-incelenmesi
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/43454
dc.description.abstract Öz:Bu araştırmanın amacı; Malatya'da spor merkezlerine devam eden bireylerin spordan ve spor merkezlerinden beklentilerinin karşılanma düzeylerinin incelenmesidir. Sağlıklı yaşam ve spor merkezleri tüm dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye'de de sayıları giderek artan ve hizmet sektöründe geniş bir yer kaplayan sektör haline gelmiştir. Özellikle yoğun iş temposu ve hareketsiz yaşantıya maruz kalan insanların fiziksel, sosyal ve zihinsel anlamda kendilerini tamamlamak için, sağlıklı yaşam ve spor merkezlerine ciddi anlamda ilgi gösterdiği bilinmektedir. Araştırmanın evrenini Malatya ilinde spor merkezlerine devam eden bireyler oluştururken, örneklemini ise bu spor merkezlerinden yararlanan 836 kişi oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada Bingöl (2010)'ün "Spor merkezlerinden beklentilerin karşılanma düzeyi ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde spss paket programı kullanılmıştır. Araştırmamıza katılan bireylerin spordan ve spor merkezlerinden beklentilerin karşılanma düzeyi cinsiyet değişkenine göre spor merkezlerine devam eden bireylerin spordan ve spor merkezlerinden beklentilerinin karşılanma düzeyleri arasında anlamlı farklılığa rastlanmadığı görülmüştür(p<0.05). Yaş değişkenine göre spor merkezlerine devam eden bireylerin spordan ve spor merkezlerinden beklentilerinin karşılanma düzeyleri arasında anlamlı farklılığa rastlanmadığı görülmüştür(p<0.05). Eğitim düzeyleri değişkenine göre spor merkezlerine devam eden bireylerin spordan ve spor merkezlerinden beklentilerinin karşılanma düzeyleri arasında anlamlı farklılığa rastlanmadığı görülmüştür (p>0.05). Gelir düzeyleri değişkenine göre spor merkezlerine devam eden bireylerin spordan ve spor merkezlerinden beklentilerinin karşılanma düzeyleri arasında anlamlı farklılık olduğu görülmüştür (p=0.002). Spor yapma zamanı değişkenine göre spor merkezlerine devam eden bireylerin spordan ve spor merkezlerinden beklentilerinin karşılanma düzeyleri arasında anlamlı farklılık olduğu görülmüştür (p=0.001). Sonuç olarak; bireylerin "Spor merkezlerinden beklentilerin karşılanma düzeyi ölçeği" maddelerine verdikleri cevaplara göre Malatya'da spor merkezlerine devam eden bireylerin spordan ve spor merkezlerinden beklentilerinin yüksek oranda karşılandığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır en_US
dc.description.abstract Abstract:The aim of this study is to investigate the level of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers in Malatya. Healthy life and sports centers, with an increasing number, became a major sector which has a large place in the service industry in Turkey as well as it is in the world. It is known that especially individuals who go through a busy work schedule and an inactive life considerably show an interest to healthy life and sports centers in order to self-actualize themselves socially and mentally. The population of the study comprises of individuals who attend to sports centers in the city of Malatya while the sample group comprises of 830 individuals who benefit from these sports centers. In the study, Bingöl (2010)’s “Level of meeting the expectations in sports centers scale” was employed. In the analysis of the data, SPSS package software was used. The levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectation of individuals who participated in the study, according to gender variable, did not demonstrate a meaningful difference between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers (p<0.05). According to age variable, it was observed that there is no meaningful difference between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers (p<0.05). According to education level variable, it was observed that there is no meaningful difference between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers (p<0.05). According to income level variable, it was observed that a meaningful difference exists between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers (p<0.002). According to time of exercising variable, it was observed that a meaningful difference exists between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers (p<0.001). As a result, according to the answers individuals gave to the matters of “Level of meeting the expectations in sports centers scale”, it was concluded that the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers in Malatya are met at a high rate. Healthy life and sports centers, with an increasing number, became a major sector which has a large place in the service industry in Turkey as well as it is in the world. It is known that especially individuals who go through a busy work schedule and an inactive life considerably show an interest to healthy life and sports centers in order to self-actualize themselves socially and mentally (Öztürk et al., 2011). Sports centers are one of the institutions which take on the tasks of making sports widespread in every section of society without discriminations of gender, age, education level and certain physical qualifications, and exercising throughout a whole lifetime. Sports centers are established in order to produce and market the services which can satisfy the social needs of the society and meet the sports needs of people (Ekenci and İmamoğlu, 2002). Today, competition levels are considerably increased in service industries in sports just as in other industries. In the competitive environment, sports businesses make a great deal of effort in order to maintain the continuity of their businesses, increase their profits, not losing customers and add new ones to the current customer potential (Alpullu et al., 2008). Today, sports take the attention of many people as a huge social dynamic and become increasingly more organized (Yıldız, 2006). Sports, which became an inseparable whole with human life, play a significant role in people’s becoming healthy, successful and happy in their life and keeping in high spirits (Yalçınkaya et al., 1993). Individuals who do sports regularly have more self-confidence, a more balanced and decent mental health in addition to having physical qualities such as a more regular cardiovascular function and, more durable and flexible skeleton and muscle system (Kalyon, 1997). Health and vitality movement is a phenomenon which develops rapidly in the world (Afthinos, Theodorakis and Nassis, 2005). In parallel with that, this movement started to develop in our country as well. With the effects of advertisement, television programs and positive interaction by word of mouth, an awareness towards the phenomenon of health and vitality was raised in a large part of our society. The individuals who give importance to that phenomenon started to turn to sports centers in the recent times (Yıldız and Tüfekçi, 2010). Method The study was carried out on private sports centers in the city center of Malatya in 2016. Subjects who participated in the questionnaire were chosen from individuals who actively attend to any of these sports centers. 836 individuals who participated voluntarily in the study comprise of 393 female subjects and 443 male subjects. The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part includes the subject’s age, gender and the time they maintained exercising and the second part includes Bingöl (2010)’s “Level of meeting the expectations in sports centers scale”. It also includes questions related to the investigation of the levels of the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of sedentary individuals who attend to sports centers. The questionnaire consists of 19 questions. A 5-point Likert-type scale was used in the questionnaire. The matters of the scale are presented as 1: Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Partly Agree, 4: Agree and 5: Strongly Agree. The evaluation of the data: In the evaluation of the data acquired from the questionnaire, SPSS 21.0 Package Software was used. In the evaluation of the data, mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage distributions were tabled and interpreted. Additionally, the meaningful difference between the answers which the individuals give to the questionnaire regarding the meeting of fitness centers expectations of the individuals who participated in the study was calculated with ttest and ANOVA statistical method. The meaningfulness level was determined as 0,05. Findings According to gender variable, it was observed that there is no meaningful difference between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers (p<0.059). According to age variable, it was observed that there is no meaningful difference between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers (p<0.570). According to education level variable, it was observed that there is no meaningful difference between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers (p<0.188). According to income level variable, it was observed that a meaningful difference exists between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers and this difference results from the paired group of 1000-1500 TL with 3000TL and above (p=0.002). According to time of exercising variable, it was observed that a meaningful difference exists between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers and this difference results from the paired groups of 1-6 months with 3-5 years, 1-6 months with 5-10 years, 6 months-1 year with 3-5 years and 6 months-1 year with 5-10 years (p=0.001). According to the answers individuals gave to the matters of “Level of meeting the expectations in sports centers scale”, it was observed that the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers in Malatya are met at a high rate. Discussion In the study, the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers in Malatya were compared according to the variables of gender, age, education level, type of sports, income level, time of exercising. According to gender variable, it was observed that there is no meaningful difference between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers (p<0.059). It was detected that several studies from the literature, such as Yetim (2014), Bektaş (2015), Öztürk (2010), Yüzgenç and Alay Özgül (2014), coincide with our findings. It was concluded that the gender variable is not a determinant factor in the meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers. According to age variable, it was observed that there is no meaningful difference between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers (p<0.570). In the studies carried out by Afthinos et al. (2005), Kim and Kim (1995), Öztürk et al. (2011), Yerlisu Lapa and Baştaç (2012), it was also reported that the evaluation of the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals do not demonstrate a meaningful difference according to age. These results are in parallel with our study. According to education level variable, it was observed that there is no meaningful difference between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers (p<0.188). The results of the studies carried out by Boz (2007), Yetim (2014), Duygulu (2015), Öztürk (2010), Yerlisu Lapa and Baştaç (2012) and Akkoyun (2015) coincide with our findings. According to income level variable, it was observed that a meaningful difference exists between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers and this difference results from the paired group of 1000-1500 TL with 3000TL and above (p=0.002). It was detected that the results of the studies carried out by Katırcı and Oyman (2011), Yetim (2014), Yüzgenç and Alay Özgül (2014), Akgül et al. (2014) coincide with our findings and the income level variable is not a determinant factor in the meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers. According to time of exercising variable, it was observed that a meaningful difference exists between the levels of meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers and this difference results from the paired groups of 1-6 months with 3- 5 years, 1-6 months with 5-10 years, 6 months-1 year with 3-5 years and 6 months-1 year with 5-10 years (p=0.001). The results of the studies carried out by Yıldız et al. (2013), Yıldız and Tüfekçi (2010) demonstrate similarities with our findings. It was concluded that and the time of exercising variable is not a determinant factor in the meeting the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers. According to the answers individuals gave to the matters of “Level of meeting the expectations in sports centers scale”, it was observed that the sports and sports centers expectations of individuals who attend to sports centers in Malatya are met at a high rate. Yerlisu Lapa and Baştaç (2012) reported in the study which they carried out in the city of Antalya that the individuals are generally happy about the fitness centers they attend, Ayas (2013) reported in the study which they carried out in the city of Edirne that the individuals are definitely happy about the fitness centers they attend, Şener (2013) reported that the customers have a decision of continuing to attend the current sports center, they talk positively about the sports centers with the people around them and they recommend and encourage attending to the sports center and, Öztürk (2010) reported that the customers are usually satisfied with the sports centers they attend in İstanbul. These results are in parallel with our study. en_US
dc.language.iso tur en_US
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess en_US
dc.type article en_US
dc.relation.ispartof Turkish Studies (Elektronik) en_US
dc.department İnönü Üniversitesi en_US

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