
The use of lower turbinate bone grafts in the treatment of saddle nose

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dc.contributor.author Gurlek, A
dc.contributor.author Askar, I
dc.contributor.author Bilen, BT
dc.contributor.author Aydogan, H
dc.contributor.author Fariz, A
dc.contributor.author Alaybeyoglu, N
dc.date.accessioned 2022-03-07T12:50:07Z
dc.date.available 2022-03-07T12:50:07Z
dc.date.issued 2002
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/54511
dc.description.abstract Saddle nose reconstruction is based on the use of support grafts to manage aesthetic and functional problems. Bone (calvarial, iliac crest, costal, nasal hump, ulnar, and heterogenous origin), cartilage (septal, costal, heterogenous), and synthetic materials (silicon, silastic, polyethylene) were used as support grafts. Three patients have been included in this study to define the surgical management and long-term aesthetic and functional results of patients undergoing rhinoplasty with support grafts for a saddle nose deformity. Open rhinoplasty was employed. Both the lower turbinates were excised and the bone dissected from the soft tissues in two cases and in one case, only mucosa was removed. The amount of support needed was measured by using bone wax. The bone was used shaped in layers, according to the defect, and sutured to each other by vycril suture, and wrapped around by surgicell. The graft was then inserted in its place and fixed with external prolene sutures. Results were satisfactory in both function and aesthetics. Ten to 16-month followups had no complications. Saddle nose surgery basically requires the use of a support graft to repair the nasal dorsum. A lower turbinate bone graft procedure has some advantages: it is cheap and safe, it is ready to use and not time-consuming, there is no donor area and no additional donor site morbidity, and it enlarges the airway and the passage to prevent nasal airway obstruction.
dc.title The use of lower turbinate bone grafts in the treatment of saddle nose
dc.title deformities

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