
Value of plasma BNP levels as a prognostic marker in lung and heart

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dc.contributor.author Yetkin, O
dc.contributor.author Aksoy, Y
dc.contributor.author Turhan, H
dc.contributor.author In, E
dc.contributor.author Karahan, M
dc.contributor.author Kilic, T
dc.contributor.author Hacievliyagil, SS
dc.contributor.author Gunen, H
dc.date.accessioned 2022-03-28T12:33:38Z
dc.date.available 2022-03-28T12:33:38Z
dc.date.issued 2007
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/58485
dc.description.abstract In this study we included 155 subject, 35 patients with left heart failure, 49 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)cor pulmonale, 26 COPD, 20 pulmonary embolism and 25 healty subject. Plasma BNP levels in patient with left heart failure was significantly higher than COPD-cor pulmanale, COPD and control subject in respect 1167 +/- 746, 434 +/- 55, 32 +/- 36 and 32 +/- 12 pg/mL. Plasma BNP in group of cor pulmone was higher than COPD and control subject 434 +/- 55 vs. 32 +/- 12 pg/mL. There were no differance between COPD and control subject 32 +/- 36 vs. 32 +/- 12 pg/mL. In pulmonary embolism BNP was higher than controls 357 +/- 391 vs. 32 +/- 12 pg/mL and BNP levels of massive pulmonary embolism was higher non-massive embolism 699 +/- 394 vs 166 +/- 213 pg/mL. In this study BNP levels negative correlated with EF and positive correlated with pulmonary artery pressure. We suggest that increased BNP levels are correlated with ventricular failure and BNP is diagnostic and prognostic marker of heart failure and increased right ventricular pressure contributes to elevated BNP in patients with PE.
dc.title Value of plasma BNP levels as a prognostic marker in lung and heart
dc.title disorders

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