
The Effect of Allosteric Learning Model on the Problem Solving Skills of

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dc.contributor.author Gurbuzturk, O
dc.contributor.author Koc, S
dc.contributor.author Babaoglu, HM
dc.date.accessioned 2022-03-28T14:03:14Z
dc.date.available 2022-03-28T14:03:14Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/59023
dc.description.abstract In this study the purpose is to determine the effect of allosteric learning model on the problem solving skills of 7th grade students in English courses. Mixed method dealing with quantitative and qualitative research patterns was used. In the quantitative dimension, the paired pretest-posttest control group design from the quasi-experimental design and in qualitative dimension, case studies pattern were used. This study was conducted on a working group consisting of 70 students. In the quantitative dimension, problem-solving skills test developed by the researchers was used. Besides, with the semi-structured interviews, qualitative data was collected. To analyze the quantitative data t-test was used and to analyze the qualitative data, descriptive analysis and content analysis were used. As a result of analysis of data obtained, there are significant differences in favor of the experimental group. In the light of the findings obtained from this research: There is not a significant differentiation between the scores of the experimental and control groups' pre-test. There is not a significant differentiation between the points related to problem-solving skills of pretest and posttest of experimental group which is subjected to allosteric learning model. There is a significant difference in favor of posttest between the points related to problem-solving skills of pretest and posttest of experimental group which is subjected to allosteric learning model. There is a significant difference in favor of experimental group between the points related to problem-solving skills of posttest of experimental group which is subjected to allosteric learning model and the posttest of control group which is not subjected to it. When looked at the students' opinions on the effectiveness of allosteric learning model: It is seen that allosteric learning model activities are learner-centered and other ones used before the model are teacher-centered. Students chose the activities according to the fact that they are "appropriate for their level" and they can "participate actively". Also, students loved the activities which are "individual" or "group". It is found that students faced some problems while "preparing and reaching the materials". Finally, it is obtained that they tried to solve the problems they faced by "data collecting" or "identifying" them.
dc.title The Effect of Allosteric Learning Model on the Problem Solving Skills of
dc.title 7th Grade Students in English Courses

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