
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Mosque Imams regarding Organ

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dc.contributor.author Keten, HS
dc.contributor.author Keten, D
dc.contributor.author Ucer, H
dc.contributor.author Cerit, M
dc.contributor.author Isik, O
dc.contributor.author Miniksar, OH
dc.contributor.author Ersoy, O
dc.date.accessioned 2022-03-28T14:04:41Z
dc.date.available 2022-03-28T14:04:41Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/59074
dc.description.abstract Background: In this study we aimed to determine knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of mosque imams regarding organ donation.
dc.description.abstract Material/Methods: This study involved 322 mosque imams working in Kahramanmaras, a city in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. A questionnaire was used to determine participants' sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding organ donation.
dc.description.abstract Results: Out of a total of 322 participants, 253 (78.6%) stated that organ donation is allowed in Islam, while 5 (1.6%) expressed that it is religiously forbidden, and 64 (19.9%) stated that they have no idea about the issue. Only 2 (0.6%) participants were registered organ/tissue donors, wile 320 (99.4%) were not. Out of all participants, 72 (22.4%) imams were willing to donate organs. Forty-six (14.3%) imams had previously received basic training about organ donation, and 166 (51.6%) were willing to attend a related training. Television programs and healthcare professionals were the most common means of learning about organ donation. Educational programs by healthcare professionals for imams and the public were proposed to be effective in increasing the number of organ donations.
dc.description.abstract Conclusions: This study revealed that the knowledge of mosque imams regarding organ donation is poor and they had little willingness to donate their organs. Interestingly, many imams had no knowledge about organ donation under Islam. Collaboration of media, healthcare professionals, and mosque imams regarding organ donation might help increase organ donation.
dc.title Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Mosque Imams regarding Organ
dc.title Donation

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