
Value-Set-Based Approach to Robust Stability Analysis for Ellipsoidal

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dc.contributor.author Matusu, R
dc.contributor.author Senol, B
dc.contributor.author Pekar, L
dc.date.accessioned 2022-08-08T07:43:17Z
dc.date.available 2022-08-08T07:43:17Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/60066
dc.description.abstract This paper presents the application of a value-set-based graphical approach to robust stability analysis for the ellipsoidal families of fractional-order polynomials with a complex structure of parametric uncertainty. More specifically, the article focuses on the families of fractional-order linear time-invariant polynomials with affine linear, multilinear, polynomic, and general uncertainty structure, combined with the uncertainty bounding set in the shape of an ellipsoid. The robust stability of these families is investigated using the zero exclusion condition, supported by the numerical computation and visualization of the value sets. Four illustrative examples are elaborated, including the comparison with the families of fractional-order polynomials having the standard box-shaped uncertainty bounding set, in order to demonstrate the applicability of this method.
dc.title Value-Set-Based Approach to Robust Stability Analysis for Ellipsoidal
dc.title Families of Fractional-Order Polynomials with Complicated Uncertainty
dc.title Structure

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