
Current Statement of Intensive Care Units in Turkey: Data obtained from

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dc.contributor.author Ediboglu, O
dc.contributor.author Mocin, OY
dc.contributor.author Ozyilmaz, E
dc.contributor.author Salturk, C
dc.contributor.author Onalan, T
dc.contributor.author Seydaoglu, G
dc.contributor.author Celikel, T
dc.contributor.author Arikan, H
dc.contributor.author Ataman, S
dc.contributor.author Kirakli, C
dc.contributor.author Ozcelik, Z
dc.contributor.author Kultufan, S
dc.contributor.author Kara, I
dc.contributor.author Kara, A
dc.contributor.author Dagli, E
dc.contributor.author Bulbul, SD
dc.contributor.author Kahveci, K
dc.contributor.author Dincer, M
dc.contributor.author Senoglu, N
dc.contributor.author Ozkarakas, H
dc.contributor.author Bahar, I
dc.contributor.author Cengiz, M
dc.contributor.author Ramazanoglu, A
dc.contributor.author Celik, B
dc.contributor.author Gaygisiz, U
dc.contributor.author Kir, G
dc.contributor.author Bindal, A
dc.contributor.author Akan, B
dc.contributor.author Turan, IO
dc.contributor.author Yildirim, F
dc.contributor.author Basarik, B
dc.contributor.author Ulukan, ZA
dc.contributor.author Efe, S
dc.contributor.author Sungur, M
dc.contributor.author Temel, S
dc.contributor.author Izdes, S
dc.contributor.author Hosgun, D
dc.contributor.author Karadeniz, N
dc.contributor.author Tuncay, E
dc.contributor.author Goksenoglu, NC
dc.contributor.author Irmak, I
dc.contributor.author Datli, U
dc.contributor.author Zerman, A
dc.contributor.author Akdag, D
dc.contributor.author Ozdemir, L
dc.contributor.author Elay, G
dc.contributor.author Karacayir, Y
dc.contributor.author Topeli, A
dc.contributor.author Hanci, P
dc.contributor.author Kaya, EK
dc.contributor.author Guven, P
dc.contributor.author Sazak, H
dc.contributor.author Aydemir, S
dc.contributor.author Aygencel, G
dc.contributor.author Aydemir, Y
dc.contributor.author Doganay, Z
dc.contributor.author Komurcu, O
dc.contributor.author Hanci, V
dc.contributor.author Karakoc, E
dc.contributor.author Sozutek, D
dc.contributor.author Coskun, G
dc.contributor.author Ates, G
dc.contributor.author Tiryaki, C
dc.contributor.author Soyturk, AN
dc.contributor.author Girgin, NK
dc.contributor.author Caliskan, G
dc.contributor.author Biyikli, O
dc.contributor.author Gokmen, N
dc.contributor.author Koca, U
dc.contributor.author Ciledag, A
dc.contributor.author Suner, KO
dc.contributor.author Cinel, I
dc.contributor.author Arslantas, MK
dc.contributor.author Gul, F
dc.contributor.author Ergun, R
dc.contributor.author Yilmaz, N
dc.contributor.author Altintas, D
dc.contributor.author Talan, L
dc.contributor.author Yalcinsoy, M
dc.contributor.author Gullu, MN
dc.contributor.author Ozcan, PE
dc.contributor.author Orhun, G
dc.contributor.author Savran, Y
dc.contributor.author Tokur, ME
dc.contributor.author Akpinar, S
dc.contributor.author Sen, P
dc.contributor.author Gursel, G
dc.contributor.author Serifoglu, I
dc.contributor.author Gedik, E
dc.contributor.author Balbay, OA
dc.contributor.author Akbas, T
dc.contributor.author Cesur, S
dc.contributor.author Yolacan, H
dc.contributor.author Sagmen, SB
dc.contributor.author Ekren, PK
dc.contributor.author Bacakoglu, F
dc.contributor.author Ergan, B
dc.contributor.author Gunay, E
dc.contributor.author Sariaydin, M
dc.contributor.author Saglam, DA
dc.contributor.author Karakurt, S
dc.contributor.author Eryuksel, E
dc.contributor.author Oztuna, F
dc.contributor.author Murtezaoglu, ESA
dc.contributor.author Cinemre, H
dc.contributor.author Nalbant, A
dc.contributor.author Yagmurkaya, O
dc.contributor.author Mandal, T
dc.contributor.author Ikidag, B
dc.date.accessioned 2022-08-19T08:38:35Z
dc.date.available 2022-08-19T08:38:35Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/61068
dc.description.abstract OBJECTIVES: We aimed to obtain information about the characteristics of the ICUs in our country via a point prevalence study.
dc.title Current Statement of Intensive Care Units in Turkey: Data obtained from
dc.title 67 Centers

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