
Effects of noopept on cognitive functions and pubertal process in rats

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dc.contributor.author Gurbuz, P
dc.contributor.author Duzova, H
dc.contributor.author Yildiz, A
dc.contributor.author Cakan, P
dc.contributor.author Kaya, GB
dc.contributor.author Bag, HGG
dc.contributor.author Durhan, M
dc.contributor.author Gul, CC
dc.contributor.author Taslidere, AC
dc.date.accessioned 2022-09-20T07:20:38Z
dc.date.available 2022-09-20T07:20:38Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/61327
dc.description.abstract Aim: Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is a common chronic disease in childhood. Increasing insulin resistance in puberty gives rise to higher doses of insulin usage in treatment. Of this reason new approaches in treatment are needed. Noopept researches suggest it to have anti-diabetic properties. We tried to determine the effects of noopept on pubertal diabetes.
dc.description.abstract Main method: The research was made with 60 prepubertal, 28 day-old, male, Sprague Dawley rats. The rats were divided into randomised 6 groups (n = 10/group). i) Control, ii) Diabetes Control, iii) Noopept Control, iv) Diabetes + Noopept, v) Diabetes + Insulin, vi) Diabetes + Insulin + Noopept. T1DM model was induced by streptozotocin on postnatal 28th day. 0.5 mg/kg noopept and 1 IU insulin were administered intraperitoneally for 14 days. Blood glucose and body weight measurements, puberty follow-up and MWM tests were performed. Hippocampus, hypothalamus and testis were evaluated histologically. Hypothalamic GnRH and kisspeptin were studied immunohistochemically. Serum LH, FSH and insulin, hippocampal homogenate NGF and BDNF levels were determined by ELISA.
dc.description.abstract Key findings: Delayed puberty was normalized by noopept (p < 0.05). Blood glucose levels were lower in noopept-administered diabetic groups (p < 0.05). Noopept decreased HOMA-IR in insulin administered diabetic group (p < 0.05). Number of degenerated cells in hippocampus and testis were higher in diabetes control group when compared with other groups (p < 0.05). GnRH immunoreactivity in Diabetes + Noopept group was increased when compared to insulin + noopept group (p = 0.018). There was no difference in kisspeptin, serum LH, FSH, hippocampal NGF-BDNF levels and spatial learning assessment among groups (p > 0.05).
dc.description.abstract Significance: Noopept may have positive effect in treatment of pubertal diabetes.
dc.description.abstract C1 [Gurbuz, Perihan; Duzova, Halil; Cakan, Pinar; Kaya, Gul Busra] Inonu Univ, Dept Physiol, Fac Med, TR-44280 Malatya, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Yildiz, Azibe; Gul, Cemile Ceren; Taslidere, Asli Cetin] Inonu Univ, Dept Histol & Embryol, Fac Med, Malatya, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Bag, Harika Gozde Gozukara] Inonu Univ, Dept Biostat & Med Informat, Fac Med, Malatya, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Durhan, Merve] Inonu Univ, Dept Med Biol & Genet, Fac Med, Malatya, Turkey.
dc.title Effects of noopept on cognitive functions and pubertal process in rats
dc.title with diabetes

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