
Low recurrence rate of hepatocellular carcinoma following ledipasvir and

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dc.contributor.author Idilman, R
dc.contributor.author Demir, M
dc.contributor.author Aladag, M
dc.contributor.author Erol, C
dc.contributor.author Cavus, B
dc.contributor.author Iliaz, R
dc.contributor.author Koklu, H
dc.contributor.author Cakaloglu, Y
dc.contributor.author Sahin, M
dc.contributor.author Ersoz, G
dc.contributor.author Koksal, I
dc.contributor.author Karasu, Z
dc.contributor.author Ozgenel, M
dc.contributor.author Turan, I
dc.contributor.author Gunduz, F
dc.contributor.author Ataseven, H
dc.contributor.author Akdogan, M
dc.contributor.author Kiyici, M
dc.contributor.author Koksal, AS
dc.contributor.author Akhan, S
dc.contributor.author Gunsar, F
dc.contributor.author Tabak, F
dc.contributor.author Kaymakoglu, S
dc.contributor.author Akarca, US
dc.contributor.author Akarsu, M
dc.contributor.author Alkim, H
dc.contributor.author Araz, F
dc.contributor.author Ates, F
dc.contributor.author Aygen, B
dc.contributor.author Balik, I
dc.contributor.author Barut, HS
dc.contributor.author Baysal, B
dc.contributor.author Bolat, A
dc.contributor.author Celik, I
dc.contributor.author Cosgun, S
dc.contributor.author Ensaroglu, F
dc.contributor.author Gokcan, H
dc.contributor.author Gurel, S
dc.contributor.author Gursoy, S
dc.contributor.author Inkaya, AC
dc.contributor.author Kamilli, C
dc.contributor.author Kav, T
dc.contributor.author Kuruuzum, Z
dc.contributor.author Onder, FO
dc.contributor.author Ormeci, N
dc.contributor.author Ozbakir, O
dc.contributor.author Ozenirler, S
dc.contributor.author Ozer, B
dc.contributor.author Ozkan, H
dc.contributor.author Poturoglu, S
dc.contributor.author Senates, E
dc.contributor.author Simsek, H
dc.contributor.author Toka, B
dc.contributor.author Unal, H
dc.contributor.author Yaras, S
dc.contributor.author Yildirim, AE
dc.contributor.author Yildirim, B
dc.contributor.author Yilmaz, B
dc.contributor.author Yilmaz, H
dc.contributor.author Yozgat, A
dc.contributor.author Yurdaydin, C
dc.date.accessioned 2022-09-23T09:12:21Z
dc.date.available 2022-09-23T09:12:21Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/61842
dc.description.abstract The aims of the present study were to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir (LDV/SOF) with or without ribavirin in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) in patients with advanced liver disease and to analyse whether the use of LDV/SOF treatment is associated with a new occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) during and after LDV/SOF treatment. The Turkish Early Access Program provided LDV/SOF treatment to a total of 200 eligible CHC patients with advanced liver disease. The median follow-up period was 22months. All patients were Caucasian, 84% were infected with genotype 1b, and 24% had a liver transplantation before treatment. The sustained virological response (SVR12) was 86.0% with ITT analysis. SVR12 was similar among patients with Child-Pugh classes A, B and C disease and transplant recipients. From baseline to SVR12, serum ALT level and MELD score were significantly improved (P<0.001). LDV/SOF treatment was generally well tolerated. Only one patient developed a new diagnosed HCC. Seventeen of the 35 patients, who had a history of previous HCC, developed HCC recurrence during the LDV/SOF treatment or by a median follow-up of 6months after treatment. HCC recurrence was less commonly observed in patients who received curative treatment for HCC compared with those patients who received noncurative treatment (P=0.007). In conclusion, LDV/SOF with or without ribavirin is an effective and tolerable treatment in CHC patients with advanced liver disease. Eradication is associated with improvements in liver function and a reduced risk of developing a new occurrence of HCC.
dc.description.abstract Ledipasvir and sofosbuvir with or without ribavirin is an effective and tolerable treatment in hepatitis C virus-infected patients with advanced liver disease. Eradication is associated with improvements in liver function and reduces the risk of developing a new occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma.
dc.description.abstract C1 [Idilman, Ramazan] Ankara Univ, Dept Gastroenterol, Sch Med, Ankara, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Demir, Mehmet] Mustafa Kemal Univ, Dept Gastroenterol, Sch Med, Antakya, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Aladag, Murat] Inonu Univ, Dept Gastroenterol, Sch Med, Malatya, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Erol, Cihan] Ankara Univ, Dept Internal Med, Sch Med, Ankara, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Cavus, Bilger; Iliaz, Raim; Kaymakoglu, Sabahattin] Istanbul Univ, Dept Gastroenterol, Istanbul Sch Med, Istanbul, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Koklu, Hayrettin] Hacettepe Univ, Dept Gastroenterol, Sch Med, Ankara, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Cakaloglu, Yilmaz] Mem Sisli Hosp, Dept Gastroenterol, Istanbul, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Sahin, Memduh; Akarca, Ulus S.] Mersin State Hosp, Mersin, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Ersoz, Galip; Karasu, Zeki; Turan, Ilker; Gunsar, Fulya] Ege Univ, Dept Gastroenterol, Sch Med, Izmir, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Koksal, Iftihar] Karadeniz Tech Univ, Fac Med, Dept Infect Dis, Trabzon, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Ozgenel, Meric] Osmangazi Univ, Dept Gastroenterol, Sch Med, Eskisehir, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Gunduz, Feyza] Marmara Univ, Dept Gastroenterol, Sch Med, Istanbul, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Ataseven, Huseyin] Necmettin Erbakan Univ, Dept Gastroenterol, Meram Sch Med, Konya, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Akdogan, Meral] Turkiye Yuksek Ihtisas Hosp, Dept Gastroenterol, Ankara, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Kiyici, Murat] Uludag Univ, Dept Gastroenterol, Sch Med, Bursa, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Koksal, Aydin Seref] Sakarya Univ, Dept Gastroenterol, Sch Med, Sakarya, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Akhan, Sila] Kocaeli Univ, Dept Gastroenterol, Dept Infect Dis & Clin Microbiol, Sch Med, Kocaeli, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Tabak, Fehmi] Istanbul Univ, Dept Infect Dis & Clin Microbiol, Cerrahpasa Sch Med, Istanbul, Turkey.
dc.title Low recurrence rate of hepatocellular carcinoma following ledipasvir and
dc.title sofosbuvir treatment in a real-world chronic hepatitis C patients cohort

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