
Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Spiritual Needs

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dc.contributor.author Erci, B
dc.contributor.author Aslan, H
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-05T13:01:31Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-05T13:01:31Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/62251
dc.description.abstract Objective This research was conducted to determine the psychometric characteristics of the "Spiritual Needs Assessment Scale of Patients with Cancer" in Turkish patients with cancer. Methods This study used psychometric methods to test the adapted tool. The participants of this study were patients with a diagnosis of cancer in the outpatients and inpatients medical oncology and hematology clinics of a university hospital in Turkey. 400 patients determined by power analysis were included in the study. The data were collected in 2018. We used the descriptive form and "Spiritual Needs Assessment Scale of Patients with Cancer." The obtained data were evaluated using Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and factor analysis. Results In the present study, the factor loads of the items were sufficient and explained 39.18% of the total variance. Cronbach's alpha value of the scale was 0.85. Significance of results As a result, it was found that the validity and reliability of the "Spiritual Needs Assessment Scale of Patients with Cancer" were ensured and they could be used in Turkish patients.
dc.description.abstract C1 [Erci, Behice] Inonu Univ, Fac Nursing, Dept Publ Hlth Nursing, TR-44280 Malatya, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Aslan, Hakime] Inonu Univ, Fac Nursing, Dept Fundamentals Nursing, TR-44280 Malatya, Turkey.
dc.title Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Spiritual Needs
dc.title Assessment Scale of Patients with Cancer

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