
Management of granulomatous lobular mastitis: an international

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dc.contributor.author Yuan, QQ
dc.contributor.author Xiao, SY
dc.contributor.author Farouk, O
dc.contributor.author Du, YT
dc.contributor.author Sheybani, F
dc.contributor.author Tan, QT
dc.contributor.author Akbulut, S
dc.contributor.author Cetin, K
dc.contributor.author Alikhassi, A
dc.contributor.author Yaghan, RJ
dc.contributor.author Durur-Subasi, I
dc.contributor.author Altintoprak, F
dc.contributor.author Eom, TI
dc.contributor.author Alper, F
dc.contributor.author Hasbahceci, M
dc.contributor.author Martinez-Ramos, D
dc.contributor.author Oztekin, PS
dc.contributor.author Kwong, A
dc.contributor.author Pluguez-Turull, CW
dc.contributor.author Brownson, KE
dc.contributor.author Chandanwale, S
dc.contributor.author Habibi, M
dc.contributor.author Lan, LY
dc.contributor.author Zhou, R
dc.contributor.author Zeng, XT
dc.contributor.author Bai, J
dc.contributor.author Bai, JW
dc.contributor.author Chen, QR
dc.contributor.author Chen, X
dc.contributor.author Zha, XM
dc.contributor.author Dai, WJ
dc.contributor.author Dai, ZJ
dc.contributor.author Feng, QY
dc.contributor.author Gao, QJ
dc.contributor.author Gao, RF
dc.contributor.author Han, BS
dc.contributor.author Hou, JX
dc.contributor.author Hou, W
dc.contributor.author Liao, HY
dc.contributor.author Luo, H
dc.contributor.author Liu, ZR
dc.contributor.author Lu, JH
dc.contributor.author Luo, B
dc.contributor.author Ma, XP
dc.contributor.author Qian, J
dc.contributor.author Qin, JY
dc.contributor.author Wei, W
dc.contributor.author Wei, G
dc.contributor.author Xu, LY
dc.contributor.author Xue, HC
dc.contributor.author Yang, HW
dc.contributor.author Yang, WG
dc.contributor.author Zhang, CJ
dc.contributor.author Zhang, F
dc.contributor.author Zhang, GX
dc.contributor.author Zhang, SK
dc.contributor.author Zhang, SQ
dc.contributor.author Zhang, YQ
dc.contributor.author Zhang, YP
dc.contributor.author Zhang, SC
dc.contributor.author Zhao, DW
dc.contributor.author Zheng, XM
dc.contributor.author Zheng, LW
dc.contributor.author Xu, GR
dc.contributor.author Zhou, WB
dc.contributor.author Wu, GS
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-05T13:18:55Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-05T13:18:55Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/62659
dc.title Management of granulomatous lobular mastitis: an international
dc.title multidisciplinary consensus (2021 edition) (vol 9, 20, 2022)

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