
Substance use profile, treatment compliance, treatment outcomes and related factors in probation: a retrospective file review

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dc.contributor.author Demir, B.
dc.contributor.author Kocamer Sahin, S.
dc.contributor.author Altındağ, A.
dc.contributor.author Elboga, G.
dc.contributor.author Unal, A.
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-06T12:50:49Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-06T12:50:49Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.issn 15332640 (ISSN)
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/71937
dc.description.abstract Objective: In this study, we aimed to investigate the sociodemographic characteristics of the individuals who mandated to the probation unit as the substances they use, their compliance with the programs, treatment outcomes and the relationships between these parameters. Secondly we aimed to determine the predictive factors that guide in taking protective measures. Methods: The files of the individuals who applied to probation clinic of Gaziantep 25 Aralik State Hospital between 01.01.2019-31.12.2019 were examined retrospectively. SPSS 22.0 program was used to statistical analysis. Results: Totally 1024 cases were included in the study. Most of the cases were between the ages of 16–35 (84.1%) and 68.3% of individuals were primary school graduates. Most (n: 607, 59.3%) were single in terms of marital status. Substance was detected in the urine of 30.3% of the applicants (n: 311). Among the substances detected in urine, amphetamine-methamphetamine was in the first place with 13.6%. In terms of treatment compliance levels of probation, it was seen that 593 (57.9%) reports were prepared as “no treatment required”, 117 (11.4%) were “compliant to treatment” and 303 (29.6%) were “noncompliant to treatment”. A statistically significant difference was found between working status and treatment outcomes (p = 0.001). When the first urine result of the patients were grouped as negative and positive; A statistically significant difference was found between the first urine test and the treatment outcomes and criminal score (for both p = 0.001).There was a statistically significant difference between the status of being a probation measure previously and the outcome of treatment (p = 0.019). Conclusion: In our study, the most used substance type was found to be amphetamine-methamphetamine (13.6%). Prevalence in substance use appears to be changing. This is an important finding about the prevalence of use of amphetamine-methamphetamine in Turkey. We suggest that those who have irregular jobs in the probation process, those with substance metabolites detected in the first urine, and those who have previously had probation precautions may have a poor prognosis and that it may be more effective to apply to those profiles in a general program that includes social and occupational fields. © 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
dc.source Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse
dc.title Substance use profile, treatment compliance, treatment outcomes and related factors in probation: a retrospective file review

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