
Voltammetric Determination of 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid at Poly (p-amino benzene sulfonic acid) Modified Sensor

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dc.contributor.author Yılmaz, A.
dc.contributor.author Savan, E.K.
dc.contributor.author Erdoğdu, G.
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-06T12:54:27Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-06T12:54:27Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.issn 20084226 (ISSN)
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/72231
dc.description.abstract In this study, the quantitative amount of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) was determined at poly (p-amino benzene sulfonic acid) (p-ABSA) modified glassy carbon electrode. The redox property of 5-HIAA was investigated by cyclic voltammetry. The cyclic voltammograms showed that the redox reaction of 5-HIAA was irreversible. Scan rate study showed that the redox reaction of 5-HIAA was controlled by both diffusion and adsorption on the poly (p-ABSA) modified sensor. Differential pulse voltammetry technique was used for the quantitative analysis of 5-HIAA in phosphate buffer solution at pH 7.00. The linear working range of the calibration graphs was determined as 1×10-5 –9×10-5 M (R2, 0.9912), and the detection limit was determined as 5.3×10-7 M. Recovery values in the analysis of urine samples were between 99.4% and 103.0%. The results showed that the modified sensor can be applied to the determination of 5-HIAA in the presence of ascorbic acid. The proposed sensor is promising for routine analysis due to its high selectivity, reproducibility, long-term stability, and high recovery values in biological samples. © 2022, Center of Excellence in Electrochemistry, Univ. of Tehran. All rights reserved.
dc.source Analytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry
dc.title Voltammetric Determination of 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid at Poly (p-amino benzene sulfonic acid) Modified Sensor

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