
Etiology of Cirrhosis in Turkey: A National Cohort Study

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dc.contributor.author Yildirim, AE
dc.contributor.author Ucbilek, E
dc.contributor.author Oruncu, MB
dc.contributor.author Turan, I
dc.contributor.author Demir, M
dc.contributor.author Koksal, A
dc.contributor.author Uyanikoglu, A
dc.contributor.author Yilmaz, N
dc.contributor.author Akarsu, M
dc.contributor.author Tozlu, M
dc.contributor.author Avcioglu, U
dc.contributor.author Haktaniyan, B
dc.contributor.author Aladag, M
dc.contributor.author Yolacan, R
dc.contributor.author Toka, B
dc.contributor.author Kefeli, A
dc.contributor.author Ormeci, AC
dc.contributor.author Haciyev, F
dc.contributor.author Balci, HR
dc.contributor.author Yurci, MA
dc.contributor.author Balaban, HY
dc.contributor.author Fidan, S
dc.contributor.author Gunduz, F
dc.contributor.author Gencdal, G
dc.contributor.author Simsek, C
dc.contributor.author Ebik, B
dc.contributor.author Cavus, B
dc.contributor.author Karatay, E
dc.contributor.author Sezgin, GC
dc.contributor.author Yaras, S
dc.contributor.author Karabulut, U
dc.contributor.author Gokturk, HS
dc.contributor.author Uzel, A
dc.contributor.author Ekin, N
dc.contributor.author Barutcu, S
dc.contributor.author Cosar, AM
dc.contributor.author Keklikkiran, C
dc.contributor.author Batu, KD
dc.contributor.author Alkim, H
dc.contributor.author Acar, S
dc.contributor.author Yogun, Y
dc.contributor.author Harputluoglu, M
dc.contributor.author Yalcin, K
dc.contributor.author Gunsar, F
dc.contributor.author Sezgin, O
dc.contributor.author Akarca, U
dc.contributor.author Kaymakoglu, S
dc.contributor.author Karasu, AZ
dc.contributor.author Ozdogan, OC
dc.contributor.author Idilman, R
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-11T12:55:23Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-11T12:55:23Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/74847
dc.title Etiology of Cirrhosis in Turkey: A National Cohort Study

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