
Synthesis, structures and catalytic activity of Pd(II) saccharinate

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dc.contributor.author Yilmaz, VT
dc.contributor.author Icsel, C
dc.contributor.author Turgut, OR
dc.contributor.author Aygun, M
dc.contributor.author Evren, E
dc.contributor.author Ozdemir, I
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-11T13:12:53Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-11T13:12:53Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/75455
dc.description.abstract A number of new Pd(II) saccharinate (sac) complexes bearing a range of phenyl (Ph), cyclohexyl (Cy) and alkyl (Me and Et) substituted tertiary phosphine ligands with systematically changing electronic and steric properties, namely trans-[PdCl(sac)(L)(2)] (L = PPh3 (1); PPh2Cy (3)), trans-[Pd(sac)(2)(H2O)(L)] (L = PPh3 (2); PPh2Cy (5)), trans-[Pd(sac)(2)(L)(2)] (L = PPh2Cy (4); PPhCy2 (6); PCy3 (8)), [PdCl(sac)(PCy3)(DMSO)] (7), trans-[Pd (sac)(2)(PPh2Me)(DMSO)] (9) and cis-[M(sac)(2)(L)(2)] (L= PPhMe2 (10); PPh2Et (11); PPhEt2 (12)), were synthesized and structurally characterized. The Pd(II) complexes were applied for direct C2/C5 arylation of fivemembered heteroarenes such as furan, thiophene and thiazole derivatives with aryl bromides. Notably, arylation products up to 99% yields were obtained in the presence of the Pd(II) complexes. The catalytic mechanism of the direct arylation was proposed to proceed via a Pd(0)/Pd(II) pathway, due to elimination of the sac ligand in the Pd(II) complexes during catalysis.
dc.title Synthesis, structures and catalytic activity of Pd(II) saccharinate
dc.title complexes with monophosphines in direct arylation of five-membered
dc.title heteroarenes with aryl bromides

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