
Data acquisition system for MAET with magnetic field measurements

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dc.contributor.author Kaboutari, K
dc.contributor.author Tetik, AO
dc.contributor.author Ghalichi, E
dc.contributor.author Gozu, MS
dc.contributor.author Zengin, R
dc.contributor.author Gencer, NG
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-11T13:25:45Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-11T13:25:45Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/76028
dc.description.abstract Magneto-acousto-electrical tomography (MAET) is an imaging modality to image the electrical conductivity of biological tissues. It is based on electrical current induction by using ultrasound under a static magnetic field. The aim of this study is to develop a data acquisition system for MAET based on magnetic field measurements. The static magnetic field is generated by six permanent neodymium magnets. A 16-element linear phased array (LPA) transducer is utilized to generate acoustic pressure waves inside the phantom. To measure the magnetic field intensity generated by the induced currents, contactless receiver sensors are developed using two similar disk multiple layer coils, which are Helmholtz coil sensor. Physical properties and electrical characteristics of the sensors are assessed. A two-stage cascaded amplifier is designed and utilized in the receiving system. The gain of the cascaded amplifier at 1 MHz is adjusted to be 96 dB. Experimental studies are conducted with two different phantoms, having 3 S m(-1) and 58 S m(-1) electrical conductivity, respectively. A-scan and B-scan images of phantoms are obtained with the LPA transducer. Comparison of the ultrasound (A-scan) and MAET signals reveals that 3 S m(-1) conductive inhomogeneity can be detected with this data acquisition system. Furthermore, the front and rear interfaces of an inhomogeneity (15.15 mm x 30 mm x 20 mm) of 58 S m(-1) conductivity are detectable.
dc.title Data acquisition system for MAET with magnetic field measurements

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