
Atmospheric pollen spectrum in Stone City, Mardin; the northern border

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dc.contributor.author Tosunoglu, A
dc.contributor.author Saatcioglu, G
dc.contributor.author Bekil, S
dc.contributor.author Malyer, H
dc.contributor.author Bicakci, A
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-12T13:09:23Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-12T13:09:23Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/77467
dc.description.abstract Airborne pollen distribution in Mardin city was measured volumetrically during three consecutive years, 2014-2016. Three thousand eight hundred fifty-seven pollen grains as a mean value belonging to 44 taxa were recorded annually during the study period, and pollen grains from woody plant taxa had the more substantial atmospheric contribution with 62.66% and with 23 taxa. Despite the differences between years, the highest pollen concentration was recorded in April. The main pollen producers of the pollen spectrum were Cupressaceae (27.79%), Poaceae (21.21%), Platanus (10.29%), Morus (6.19%), Olea europaea (5.01%), Quercus (4.91%), Pinus (3.84%), and Amaranthaceae (3.73%) and almost all dominant pollen types in the city atmosphere were previously stated to be allergic. The atmospheric sampling data was characterized by the high presence of woody plants in spring, as well as the high presentation of herbaceous plants in late spring to early winter. The main pollen season (MPS) and durations of dominated pollen types were analyzed and mostly found a little bit earlier or parallel with similar studies in Mediterranean basin, but found earlier than the east. Statistical analyses were performed to compare years with each other and for correlating daily pollen concentrations of dominated pollen types concurrent with the data of meteorological parameters; a number of significant correlations were found.
dc.description.abstract C1 [Tosunoglu, A.; Bekil, S.; Malyer, H.; Bicakci, A.] Bursa Uludag Univ, Dept Biol, Sci & Arts Fac, Bursa, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Saatcioglu, G.] Turgut Ozal Univ, Battalgazi Vocat Sch, Malatya, Turkey.
dc.title Atmospheric pollen spectrum in Stone City, Mardin; the northern border
dc.title of Mesopotamia/SE-Turkey

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