
A sustainability assessment of quality of life in a traditional

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dc.contributor.author Tacoral, E
dc.contributor.author Atik, A
dc.contributor.author Yilmaz, B
dc.contributor.author Aslan, F
dc.contributor.author Altunkasa, MF
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-13T10:45:22Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-13T10:45:22Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/78033
dc.description.abstract Worldwide, especially in societies with higher education levels, traditional settlements are important components of cultural heritage in terms of sustainability. However, the recent wave of urbanisation that has been experienced in Turkey has placed significant pressure on traditional structures. The District of Kemaliye, which has largely preserved its traditional texture for various reasons, is a small town in the Erzincan Province of Turkey. The aim of this study is to determine the quality of life of the traditional settlement pattern of Kemaliye to contribute to its ecological, spatial and socio-cultural sustainability. A public opinion survey was carried out with the aim of identifying the public's needs and demands and its socio-cultural characteristics. The survey also aimed to determine the quality of urban life in Kemaliye. Multidimensional statistical techniques were used to identify the most important environmental, socio-cultural, infrastructural and regional factors that affected the public's views of quality of urban life in Kemaliye. Based on these findings, suggestions were formulated for the efficient use of resources in urban redevelopment efforts and to provide a basis for the new settlement plans that are projected to be carried out for the city centre of Kemaliye and its vicinity.
dc.description.abstract C1 [Tacoral, Ezgi] Erzincan Univ, Kemaliye Hac Ali Akn Vocat Sch, Erzincan, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Atik, Atilla; Yilmaz, Buelent; Aslan, Fueruezan] Inonu Univ, Dept Landscape Architecture, TR-44280 Malatya, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Altunkasa, M. Faruk] Cukurova Univ, Dept Landscape Architecture, Adana, Turkey.
dc.title A sustainability assessment of quality of life in a traditional
dc.title settlement pattern: The case of Kemaliye, Turkey

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