
Rose oil inhalation protects against formaldehyde-induced testicular

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dc.contributor.author Kose, E
dc.contributor.author Sarsilmaz, M
dc.contributor.author Tas, U
dc.contributor.author Kavakli, A
dc.contributor.author Turk, G
dc.contributor.author Dabak, DO
dc.contributor.author Sapmaz, H
dc.contributor.author Ogeturk, M
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-19T07:36:46Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-19T07:36:46Z
dc.date.issued 2012
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/81289
dc.description.abstract In this experimental study, harmful effects of formaldehyde (FA) inhalation on sperm concentration, sperm quality, serum testosterone levels and the rat testes were investigated. In addition, the possible protective effects of rose oil against to these harmful effects were evaluated. For this purpose, 21 albino-Wistar rats were used. The rats in Group I were used as control group. When the rats of Group II were exposed FA (10 ppm/1 h) for 35 days, the rats of Group III inhalated rose oil (1 ml/1 h) after FA. The epididymal tissues were taken for sperm analysing and the testes were removed for histological examination. In addition, testosterone levels were determined from the blood samples. Although the testosterone levels, the epididymal sperm concentration, and the progressive sperm motility significantly decreased, the abnormal sperm rate significantly increased in the Group II when compared to Group I. In the Group III, these damages were seen less. When the rats in the Group II compared with the control group, there were serious histological damages. In the Group III, it was determined that the histological changes were less than group II. It can be expressed that serious damages occurred via formaldehyde exposure in male reproductive system and that the rose oil had protective effects against these damages.
dc.description.abstract C1 [Kose, E.; Sapmaz, H.] Inonu Univ, Fac Med, Dept Anat, TR-44280 Malatya, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Sarsilmaz, M.; Kavakli, A.; Ogeturk, M.] Firat Univ, Dept Anat, Fac Med, TR-23169 Elazig, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Tas, U.] Gaziosmanpasa Univ, Dept Anat, Fac Med, Tokat, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Turk, G.] Firat Univ, Dept Reprod & Artificial Inseminat, Fac Vet Med, TR-23169 Elazig, Turkey.
dc.description.abstract [Dabak, D. Ozlem] Firat Univ, Dept Histol Embriol, Fac Med, TR-23169 Elazig, Turkey.
dc.source ANDROLOGIA
dc.title Rose oil inhalation protects against formaldehyde-induced testicular
dc.title damage in rats

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