
Experience with Levamisole in Children with Frequently Relapsing and

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dc.contributor.author Tabel, Y
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-19T11:01:30Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-19T11:01:30Z
dc.date.issued 2008
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/82536
dc.description.abstract In this manuscript; we aimed to report our experience with levamisole in frequently relapsing and/or steroid-dependent idiopathic nephrotic syndrome of childhood. Classical treatment option of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome of childhood is steroid. Although 90% of patients respond to steroid treatment, 80-90% of patients relapse during follow-up and 25-45% of patients become frequent relapser, half of which progresses to steroid-dependent. Steroid-dependent and frequent relapser children are under risk of steroid toxicity. Successful treatment with levamisole is reported in the current literature, when steroids fail and/or toxicity occurs. According to these findings, we treated three frequent relapser and two steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome patients with levamisole for six months. Other than one of the frequent relapsers who did not respond, number of the attacks and cumulative steroid dosage significantly decreased in all. As a result; we think that using cheap and effective levamisole with less adverse effects in frequent relapser and steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome increases the remission rate and duration, and also prevents the adverse effects of other immunosuppressives.
dc.description.abstract C1 [Tabel, Yilmaz] Inonu Univ, Tip Fak Cocuk Sagligi & Hastaliklari Anabilim Dal, Malatya, Turkey.
dc.title Experience with Levamisole in Children with Frequently Relapsing and
dc.title Steroid-Dependent Nephrotic Syndrome

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