
Clinicopathological characteristics of 1005 colorectal cancers in

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dc.contributor.author Erdamar, S
dc.contributor.author Sakiz, D
dc.contributor.author Kayaselcuk, F
dc.contributor.author Gursan, N
dc.contributor.author Ozdamar, S
dc.contributor.author Doran, F
dc.contributor.author Arici, S
dc.contributor.author Gonul, I
dc.contributor.author Dilek, FH
dc.contributor.author Demirkan, N
dc.contributor.author Soyuer, I
dc.contributor.author Kirimlioglu, H
dc.contributor.author Sokmensuer, C
dc.contributor.author Pak, I
dc.contributor.author Savas, B
dc.contributor.author Yavuzer, D
dc.contributor.author Bitiren, M
dc.contributor.author Ozoran, Y
dc.contributor.author Uzmay, A
dc.contributor.author Dirican, A
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-19T11:01:43Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-19T11:01:43Z
dc.date.issued 2008
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/82723
dc.title Clinicopathological characteristics of 1005 colorectal cancers in
dc.title Turkish population: a Turkish gastrointestinal working group study

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