
Fabrication of (BiGaPb)2Sr2Ca2Ca2Cu3O10+y glass-ceramic superconductor

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dc.contributor.author Yakinci, ME
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-19T12:54:17Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-19T12:54:17Z
dc.date.issued 1996
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/85108
dc.description.abstract Glass samples with a nominal composition of B1.2Ga0.4Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+y were prepared as rods having a diameter of 13mm and 20cm long by melt casting technique. Sintering process was performed by applying a direct current to the glass rods. Three different current application stages were used and crystallisation of the glass rods were obtained. The XRD studies of the material showed that crystallised grains were preferably c-axis oriented. The best T-c was obtained at 107K and T-zero was obtained at 101K. These results were also confirmed by the D.C. Susceptibility measurements. After the optimum processing condition the maximum transport current density was found to be 9700 A/cm(2) at 4.2K.
dc.title Fabrication of (BiGaPb)2Sr2Ca2Ca2Cu3O10+y glass-ceramic superconductor
dc.title rods.

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