
Ortaokul Müzik Ders Kitaplarında Yer Alan Okul Şarkılarının İncelenmesi

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dc.contributor.author Çiftci, Ersan
dc.contributor.author Köksal, Siyar
dc.date.accessioned 2022-11-28T11:55:26Z
dc.date.available 2022-11-28T11:55:26Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.citation ÇİFTCİ E, KÖKSAL S (2020). Ortaokul Müzik Ders Kitaplarında Yer Alan Okul Şarkılarının İncelenmesi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 39(2), 22 - 44. 10.7822/omuefd.681971 en_US
dc.identifier.uri https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/yayin/detay/442933/ortaokul-muzik-ders-kitaplarinda-yer-alan-okul-sarkilarinin-incelenmesi
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/85315
dc.description.abstract Bu çalışmada, 2018 yılında Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı komisyonu tarafından hazırlanan ve aynı kurum tarafından basılan ortaokul müzik ders kitaplarında yer alan eserler tür, ritmik yapı, ezgisel yapı, ses aralığı ve şarkı öğretimi yaklaşımı yönlerinden incelenmiştir. İncelemede, okul şarkıları, Excel programı yardımıyla tür, ritmik yapı, ezgisel yapı, ses aralığı ve şarkı öğretimi yaklaşımı açısından yüzde ve frekans kullanılarak sınıflandırılmıştır. 2018 yılı müzik ders kitaplarında Halk ezgileri, okul şarkıları, klasik Türk sanat müziği, pop müzik ve dini müzik türlerinde eserlere rastlanılmış; ayrıca ritmik yapı yönünden yapılan incelemelerde 4/4’lük ve 9/8’lik ritmik yapının yüksek frekanslarda çıktığı görülmüştür. Bunun dışında makamsal eserlerin tonal eserlerden sayıca fazla olduğu da tespit edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda çalışmada 2018 yılında basılan müzik dersi kitapları, 2006 ve 2013 yıllarında basılan müzik ders kitaplarıyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Karşılaştırma sonucunda 2006 ve 2013 yılında basılan kitaplarda 5. Sınıftan 8. Sınıfa kadar olan süreçte halk müziği, klasik TSM, marş, okul şarkısı ve pop müzik türlerinde eserler olduğu görülmüştür. 2006 ve 2013 yıllarında basılan müzik ders kitaplarının tür yönünden kısıtlı olduğu ama 2018 yılında basılan müzik ders kitaplarında dini müzik türünün eklendiği ve eser sayısının büyük oran arttırıldığı görülmüştür. Ritmik yapı yönünden incelendiğinde 2018 yılın basılan müzik ders kitaplarına 10/8, 12/8, 10/16, karma ritim ve serbest ölçü gibi karmaşık ritmik yapıdaki eserlerin eklendiği, ezgisel yapı yönünden 2006 müzik ders kitabındaki makamsal ve tonal eserlerin yarı yarıya dağıldığı, 2013 ve 2018 müzik ders kitaplarında ise makamsal eserlerin sayıca fazla olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda müzik ders kitaplarında yerelden evrensele ve kolaydan zora bir bakış açısıyla hazırlandığı görülmüştür. en_US
dc.description.abstract It is known that education has an important role in transferring social culture from generations to generations. As art lessons play a major role in conveying both the culture of our ancestors and the universal culture, It is thought to have an important role in developing the existing culture. According to Demirel (2003, p. 24), "education is the planned and purposeful part of culture". In this context, it will be of great importance to arrange the educational environments and the curriculum so that students can transfer the common culture, learn the culture and develop it when necessary. Considering that transferring culture is a social need, it is thought to meet this need according to the place of artistic and psychological lessons in the national education curriculum. “Lessons such as music, painting and physical education in the primary education curriculum are among the most important social needs of the child. Thanks to these lessons, the child learns to be a social person, to be a livelihood, to learn the rules of etiquette, to respect the rights of others, to be patient and to be patient” (Sökezoğlu, 2010, p. 39). It is known that there are many courses in the national curriculum where the national culture and history are transferred. It is seen that music lessons have an important place in transferring and teaching this culture. While teaching our national culture with folk songs and school songs, it is thought that national consciousness will be created with anthems. “One of the main activities of voice education, which is one of the dimensions of general music education, is singing (teaching). School songs constitute the basic material of this teaching ”(Şaktanlı & Bilgin, 2010, p. 24). “School songs consist of monophonic, polyphonic, accompanied and unaccompanied songs that are composed for educational purposes or have school music characteristics” (T.D.K, 1981, p. 110). According to Sun and Seyrek (2002, p. 26), songs created for children with their words and tunes are called “Children's Songs”. In general music education, the most important factor in which musical gains are reinforced, students are taught how to use their voices, various values are gained based on interdisciplinary approaches, and the teaching of theoretical knowledge in the light of the principle of music education from practice to theory is included in the dimension of vocal education. The audience that the school songs appeal to has some features in terms of developmental and psychological features. In addition, school songs should be suitable for the sound characteristics of children, given the audience they are addressing. In 2006, when the constructivist education approach was adopted in our education system, music textbooks were renewed and similarly, there was a change in content in music textbooks with the transition to the 12-year continuous education system in 2013. In 2018, music textbooks were revised and it was seen that there were changes in both the school songs and the subjects to be taught. School songs, which is one of the important elements of music education, has an important place in music education. For this reason, it is thought that recognizing and classifying the songs correctly will facilitate teaching and facilitate repertoire selection, and the repertoire of school songs in music textbooks will allow us to see the shortcomings. It was determined that the studies on music textbooks that were changed three times in 2006, 2013 and 2018 were directed to music textbooks published in 2006. When the studies conducted were examined, it was seen that there were studies that tried to reveal the suitability of the songs in the music books and the place of Turkish music school songs in the teaching of songs. In 2013, there was no study for changing music textbooks. It was thought that a study was needed to classify the school songs in the music textbooks that changed in 2018 in terms of various variables and to determine what the differences were compared to 2006 and 2013, and also to evaluate each class level separately by considering the development period of the classification. In the research, the school songs included in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade music textbooks printed by the Ministry of Education in 2018 were examined in terms of genre, rhythmic structure, melody structure and sound range, and music lessons that were published in 2006 and 2013 By comparing with the books, it was aimed to determine how the changes in terms of genre, rhythmic structure and melody structure were experienced in the songs included in the content. Research; is a descriptive research based on the source scanning method. The data required for the research were created with the works in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade music textbooks published by the Ministry of Education in 2018. The works in the book are classified in terms of genre, rhythmic structure and melody struc en_US
dc.language.iso tur en_US
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess en_US
dc.title Ortaokul Müzik Ders Kitaplarında Yer Alan Okul Şarkılarının İncelenmesi en_US
dc.type article en_US
dc.relation.ispartof Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi en_US
dc.department İnönü Üniversitesi en_US

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