
Investigation of structural and electrochemical performance of

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dc.contributor.author Yolun, A
dc.contributor.author Altin, E
dc.contributor.author Altundag, S
dc.contributor.author Arshad, M
dc.contributor.author Abbas, SM
dc.contributor.author Altin, S
dc.date.accessioned 2023-01-02T08:41:13Z
dc.date.available 2023-01-02T08:41:13Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/86420
dc.description.abstract LiRuxFe1-xPO4 (where x = 0.01-0.12) samples are successfully fabricated by conventional solid-state reaction technique and the structural properties are analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measurements. The XRD analysis shows that the minor impurity phases of RuO2 and LiRuO2 are observed for x >= 0.05 samples. Furthermore, the lattice volume is decreased with increasing Ru-content in the structure. The Ru-substituted battery cells exhibit similar cycling voltammetry (CV) data with the unsubstituted LiFePO4 battery cells. According to the charging/discharging cycles measurements for C/3-rate, the best capacity (147.58 mAh g(-1)) is obtained for LiFe0.93Ru0.07PO4 with a capacity fade of 0.0084 per cycle. It is found that Ru-substituted LiFePO4 has maximum C-rate when we analogize with the pristine LiFePO4 and the battery cycling performance is investigated for 4 C-rate up to 100 cycles and 3 and 4 C-rate up to 1000 cycles and it is found that Ru-substituted LiFePO4 exhibits excellent electrochemical performance such as 122, 84.5, and 53.1 mAh g(-1) for 1st, 500th, and 1000th cycles at 4 C-rate.
dc.title Investigation of structural and electrochemical performance of
dc.title Ru-substituted LiFePO4 cathode material: an improvement of the capacity
dc.title and rate performance

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