
Vertebral end-plate changes: Are they clinically significant for

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dc.contributor.author Kacar, E
dc.contributor.author Karaca, R
dc.contributor.author Gunduz, D
dc.contributor.author Korfali, E
dc.date.accessioned 2023-01-02T08:52:58Z
dc.date.available 2023-01-02T08:52:58Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/86836
dc.description.abstract Background: Our aim was to assess the relationship between postoperative recurrent low back pain and vertebral body end-plate signal intensity changes on magnetic resonance imaging in disc herniation patients. Materials and Methods: The preoperative magnetic resonance images of 748 patients were retrospectively reviewed. End-plate changes were separated into three groups according to the Modic classification. The postoperative clinical improvement was defined according to the Kawabata criteria. The localization and type of end-plate degeneration and improvement after the operation were analyzed with Pearson's Chi-square test. Results: End-plate degeneration was found in 394 of 748 patients. Single-level and multiple-level end-plate changes were present in 70.4% and 29.6% of the patients, respectively. Type 2 (85.5%), type 1 (10.7%), and type 3 (3.8%) degenerations were encountered in order of frequency. The severities of the end-plate changes were mild, moderate, and severe in 63.2%, 32.7%, and 4.1% of the patients. Type 1 and type 2 degenerations correlated with clinical course in the postoperative period (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Type 1 and type 2 degenerative end-plate changes seen on preoperative magnetic resonance scans can influence the clinical course and be an indicator of postoperative back pain.
dc.title Vertebral end-plate changes: Are they clinically significant for
dc.title postoperative low back pain?

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