
Trends and causes of etiology in adult liver transplant patients:

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dc.contributor.author Akarsu, M
dc.contributor.author Harputluoglu, M
dc.contributor.author Yilmaz, S
dc.contributor.author Gencdal, G
dc.contributor.author Akyildiz, M
dc.contributor.author Polat, KY
dc.contributor.author Dincer, D
dc.contributor.author Adanir, H
dc.contributor.author Turan, I
dc.contributor.author Gunsar, F
dc.contributor.author Karasu, Z
dc.contributor.author Gokcan, H
dc.contributor.author Karademir, S
dc.contributor.author Kabacam, G
dc.contributor.author Kayhan, MA
dc.contributor.author Kiyici, M
dc.contributor.author Gulsen, MT
dc.contributor.author Balaban, HY
dc.contributor.author Dogrul, AB
dc.contributor.author Dolu, S
dc.contributor.author Senkaya, A
dc.contributor.author Ellik, ZM
dc.contributor.author Eren, F
dc.contributor.author Idilman, R
dc.date.accessioned 2023-01-02T08:53:06Z
dc.date.available 2023-01-02T08:53:06Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/86939
dc.title Trends and causes of etiology in adult liver transplant patients:
dc.title multicenter study

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