
Knowledge, Attitude and Clinical Practice of Dentists about Extraction of First Permanent Molars

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dc.contributor.author Demir, P.
dc.contributor.author Aydoğdu, H.
dc.contributor.author SarI, Ş.
dc.date.accessioned 2023-01-04T07:33:48Z
dc.date.available 2023-01-04T07:33:48Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.issn 10534628 (ISSN)
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/87321
dc.description.abstract PURPOSE: The extraction of permanent first molar (PFM) teeth with poor prognosis allows the build of a new-and-ideal occlusion with the spontaneous movement of the healthy second and third molars by taking advantage of the patient's development. This study aimed to evaluate dentists' knowledge level about controlled tooth extractions and determine their information needs. STUDY DESIGN: The survey, consisting of 9 questions about balance and compensation extractions, was prepared on Google Forms and sent via email to dentists. RESULTS: The questionnaire was sent to 3137 dentists and 472 (15.04%) of them answered. While deciding on PFM extraction, the rate of those who checked the presence of permanent 3rd molar tooth was found to be 64.4%. Although 79% of pedodontists stated that they knew about balance extractions, only 60.9% of them apply it in the clinic. After maxillary PFM extraction, the rate of oral and maxillofacial surgeons who think that "mandibular PFM over-erupt" was 92.8%, and the rate of orthodontists was 68.7%. 87.1% of the participants stated that they needed more information about controlled extractions. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: It is possible to raise awareness, encourage the common and follow-up of correct clinical practices, and avoid complications; by adding controlled extractions to the undergraduate education program.
dc.source The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry
dc.title Knowledge, Attitude and Clinical Practice of Dentists about Extraction of First Permanent Molars

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